Pro Master Grass Seed No 20 Fine Turf Mix For High Quality Fine Lawns.
A mixture of only the best varieties ensures the production of a truly first class ornamental lawn. An important pre-requisite is a clean seed bed free from coarse species so that the full benefits of the short fine varieties can be seen. Now further improved with the addition of the top rated new fine turf red Rossinante.
Sowing rate: 35 – 50 gms per square metre
Coverage: 20kg = 400 to 571 square metres
Mowing Height: down to 10mm
25% CALLIOPE Chewings Fescue
25% SAMANTA Slender Creeping Red Fescue
45% ROSSINANTE Strong Creeping Red Fescue
5% HIGHLAND Browntop Bent
Pro Master seed is coated with GroMax which stimulates growth and germination.